Sunday, April 24, 2005

Fiesta de Moros y Cristianos en Alcoy

This weekend I traveled with Jussi to see another big fiesta of the Comunidad Valenciana. We enjoyed Alcoy and the parades around the town and participated in a typical dinner of the Guzmans (a christian warrior group). Later Javier gave us a nice place to sleep right there in the center. We met dozens of Javi's friends and had a lot of fun!

According to the story the miraculous San Jorge came out of nowhere in the middle of a famous battle in the year 1276 and led the christians to defend their town against moors (or muslims) who reigned Spain and Portugal at the moment. This fiesta is about celebrating the glorious victory of christians over moors.

On the first day of the fiestas groups presenting either christians or moors circle the streets with music bands. The second day is more about honoring San Jorge and on the third they make up a big battle in the castle built on the central square. There are men, women and even children wearing theatratical armors of leather and metal. They are carrying swords, sapels and spears. Though people are mostly dressed up as warriors there are farmers, gunsmiths and dancers as well. Every group is followed by a big band of horns and drums that play the same medieval martial music which I had heard before in alcoyan houseparties.

This is known to be the oldest fiesta in Spain and internationally qualifies in the same cast with Sanfermines of Pamplona and Las Fallas of Valencia. It is celebrated also in other nearby cities with slightly different habits. The first evidence of a similar party dates all the way back to the 15th century. Now the celebration takes place in Alcoy every year on 22th to 24th of April.

See the Wikipedia entry about Moors and Christians

The fighters follow their leader who shows his weapon handling skills

Xavi with friends from his fila

See here the level of detail in the armors

Tabea, Xavi's father, Sophie and Jussi

There was paper on the streets like snow

These are fotos from Plaza de España

Our nightstand, what an interesting place!

Nacho and another friend

Plaza de España just minutes before a mascletà

On the way back home


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh! You are so lucky to have been there! I'm glad that you liked it. :)

Huges from Germany!

Pasi said...

Thanks Nacho! :)
We should have believed Javi earlier when he praised this party in Alcoy to be the best there is in Spain..

Now we know :)

Un abrazo a Hannover ;D

Anonymous said...

Ohhh! I didn't notice, the right name is: "Moros y Cristianos", not "Cristianos y Moros" :)

Pasi said...

I remember writing "Fiesta de Cristianos y Moros" in Google to check the name :) gave me proper links so I thought I was correct, but naturally it had changed the order of those words..

not a very good way to spell check something, i guess ;D