Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Paris on Ryanair

We hunted ryanair tickets of precios muy bajos. Although most of the costs eventually would come from the bus trips to Girona and Beauvais (the small airports "close" to the target cities). Three days of very little sleep and an awful lot of walking (take for example the four-storey Louvre). I think we managed to stay out of the most expensive restaurants, and our hotel was superb for the price we paid. Thank You Paris, See You Again!

The sparkling apartment of Napoleon
Musée du Louvre, 1er

Taking this was prohibited!

I'm standing tall on the first floor of the tower
Tour Eiffel, 7ème

Sights from the Eiffel tower
Parc du Champs de Mars, 7ème

You could take a foto of whole Paris here
Montmartre (in front of Sacré-Coeur), 18ème

Touristshop-hopping near Notre Dame
Boulevard du Palais, 1er

This building gives you the creeps, especially since it's almost always cloudy in Paris
Cathédrale de Notre Dame de Paris, 1er

Inside the cathedral, where many people actually cried in the darkness
Cathédrale de Notre Dame de Paris, 1er

All the metro stations were built like this

The 12 avenues all start from this plaza, couple of hours later we saw Leonardo DiCaprio live promoting "The Aviator" on Champs Elysees
Arc de Triomphe, Charles de Gaulle-Etoile, 8ème

After half an hour it would start shimmering to mark the changing of the hour
Tour Eiffel, 7ème

Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias

Some fotos from our day in L'Oceanogràfic and L'Hemisfèric in the science city. The seals and whales were crazy cute. Actually I was suprised how much I enjoyed the place after hearing almost everything about it beforehand. The multicolored fish were a marvel if you could manage to shut your ears from the shouting spanish children.

Poeta Artola

My girlfriend Susanna came here to visit me for more than two weeks (smiley here). I got to see Valencia with new eyes going through the shoeshops with Susanna. Later on we moved my stuff from Ausias March to my new flat on New Year's Eve. I'm still making myself at home here, but it seems like a cozy place. My room isn't big but I got it really cheap (at least compared to finnish flat prices!).